Popping into 2015
We were so excited to open our Moscot pop-up shop in Leigh-on-Sea and even more excited by the response. Setting up among dozens of other independent shops proved to be an inspired idea. We made loads of sales (which was the point, of course), but, just as importantly, loads of new customers, contacts and friends. We put this down to a combination of our charm, good looks, professionalism and oh, I can’t keep this up. The fact is that Moscot eyewear, as with the other stunning brands that we have on offer, just sells itself because it’s so bloody good.
We said when this thing started that it wasn’t meant to last, just a brief, exciting, whirlwind affair for a few breathtaking weeks. And then we would stop, kiss goodbye and go our separate ways. But we can’t stop now. The feeling is too strong. So we’re staying a bit longer, here at the White Wall Space in Broadway West.
Our internationally-renowned team of retail makeover specialists (Simon) are giving the room a new look for its new direction. Which is a good thing, and certainly fits in with Leigh-on-Sea’s shopping scene. Very few of the retailers around us have to take orders from Head Office – instead, they can tailor their stock, promotions and look to whatever they think their customers will want next.
So, we will be stocking some designers that we already have on offer at Dover Street Market, such as Clayton Franklin, as well as some unusual vintage pieces, which will keep the pop in our pop-up. We will constantly rotate and update the stock in the shop, so there will always be something different and just as stylish for visitors to look at.
At the same time, at the more affordable end of the market we’re nothing if not democratic), we’ll be offering a range of colourful, Swiss-engineered reading glasses in a range of colours, styles in the usual strengths. We have managed to price these at a very reasonable £29.00.
Another affordable range is our selection of nylon frames, also boasting precision Swiss engineering. We think they are both stylish and colourful, as we would be proud to wear everything we stock and recommend them to friends. During the week, Simon and Alice will be on hand to guide customers to the right choice for them; for single vision lenses, professional and experienced advice on fitting or styling, Tim and Mo will be on hand at weekends or a couple of times a month for appointments.
So, things change, but they stay the same, as the French would say if they could speak a proper language. Already we’re thinking about the next pop-up incarnation in our cosy nook in Broadway West. Around Easter time, our stunning range of Fabulous Funky French sunglasses will be available, just in time for the glorious summer we will no doubt all be enjoying. So pop in to our pop-up – because without you, we’re nothing.